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The problem: A high prevalence of hand injuries, endless contextual challenges and therapists who do not have any specialised training in hand therapy.
Low- to middle- income countries like South Africa have a high burden of patients with hand injuries. The impact of hand injuries is magnified when many people rely on informal trade and manual labour to earn a living, and where basic services such as running water and electricity may be unavailable.
In a setting where regaining hand function is so essential to daily life, patients are typically seen by generalist occupational and physiotherapists who do not have any formal hand therapy education and who lack mentorship and support.
These therapists also face a lot of challenges in the settings where they work, such as late referrals, delayed surgeries, a lack of basic hand therapy supplies and poor access to healthcare.
The solution: Open access education that equips generalist therapists to treat hand injuries in a way that accounts for the challenges that they face.
This is why we started the Open Hand Therapy Initiative. We want to help therapists become more confident in providing hand therapy in challenging contexts so that they can get better outcomes for their patients.
You can help! If you have experience working in a low- to middle- income country then we would love for you to join us as an Open Hand presenter. Just fill out our contact form and join us in making a difference!
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