Staying ahead of hand burns

Learn about hand therapy for burns patients, from addressing burn wounds to managing burn scars, including splinting, exercises and how to manage psychosocial risk factors.

Join Leandi as she speaks about management of acute hand burns, sharing lessons that she has learnt from both her successes and failures. She defines success as a functional hand and reintegration at work. She reminds us that each patient presents differently and should be assessed accordingly. She explains the importance of early wound closure, early referral to occupational therapy or physiotherapy, correct and early splinting, pain-free mobilisation in theatre and addressing psychosocial risk factors.


Natalie then focuses on hand burns in the rehabilitation phase. She discusses tools to evaluate wound healing and considerations when assessing range of motion and pain. She imparts numerous tips and tricks gained through many years of experience working with patients with burns. She outlines her approach for treating skin and scarring and range of motion, as well as enabling participation in daily activities and return to work.

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